The local talking newspaper for Reading Berkshire UK

Becoming A Volunteer

A sight-impaired person listening to the local news on a USB player
Thanks for visiting our volunteers page.

There are a variety of interesting jobs to be done and our volunteers bring a wide range of skills to the organisation and do this on a rota system, being required approximately once every four to six weeks. Some volunteers are in full time employment, others are retired and the mix is useful to cover evening and afternoons production sessions. It is important to us to have the right person in the right job, either in front of the microphone or behind the scenes. Reliability and commitment are essential amongst all the volunteers.

Note: all volunteers must be able to reach our studio in Reading Berkshire

Below is a summary of the main jobs

producer organises the recordings
The producer organising the recording
producer recording on laptop
Producer recording the newsreader on the laptop

Producers work Monday evenings or afternoons on a rota system. The Producer:

Note: We use an app which has been specially developed by one of the talking newspaper's suppliers, this makes the task of setting the recording levels, the timing and saving each article very easy, it is just a case of using the mouse. So as long as you are comfortable with using a computer we can train you to use this app.
Use this email link to contact RTN

To be a producer you will be responsible for running the session & familiar with the use of a laptop.

Editor A reader takes her turn in reading the news article The editor selects the news stories to last at least 45 minutes from the week's local newspapers. It is important that the news stories selected are a true representation of the week's local news coverage.

Note: Full training is given by an existing editor
You can down load a full description as a PDF document here
Use this email link to contact RTN

The editor sort through the local papers for articles for the team to read

Studio Manager The studio manager's job is to...
You can down load a PDF document here giving a full job discription
Use this email link to contact RTN

Checking all is OK & doing some updating

a reading team.A reading team taking their turn in reading the latest week's news

Articles which have been selected by the editor are read by a team of three readers plus the editor. Variety in the reader's voices adds to the interest of the listener so it is essential that the four readers are different in sound but work as a team. Newsreaders are needed for two hours or so on Monday during the day or evenings on a rota system.

You can down load a PDF document here describing the best practise for readers. Use this email link to contact RTN

Must be able to read in a clear voice and reliable.

erasing usb drives
Copying team erasing the returned usb drives.
copying the news
Copying the latest news recording to the clean usb drives.

This takes place on a Wednesday afternoon or evening with a team of three people. One copier needs to be able to operate the USB duplicators which erase the returned USB sticks and copy the current master USB. This is a simple procedure and full training is given. Each copier is required approximately once a month and operates on a rota.

Other tasks that have to be done are

emtying wallets Use this email link to contact RTN

This involves checking the register and copying the weeks news onto a USB drive.

Publicity Officer

Publicity is needed to ensure people in the Reading area know about our service.

Use this email link to contact RTN

Publicity is needed to ensure people in the Reading area know about our service.

You can down load a full description as a PDF document here
Use this email link to contact RTN

Makes sure the finances are in order

Secretary The secretary is responsible for:

Note: There are 4 committee meetings a year usually lasting no longer than a hour and a half in January, April, July and October. The AGM is on the last Tuesday in June.
Use this email link to contact RTN

Deals with minutes and correspondence

Chairman Use this email link to contact RTN

Chairs meetings and manages the general organisation.

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